of Tank Storage

    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde

    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde

    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde

    Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde (EPG), founded in 1990, has, for three decades, operated a site located in Ambès, close to Bordeaux.

    Its strategic location, on the banks of the Garonne, make this a major player in the distribution of oil products in the south west region.

    It has two wharfs for vessels and a pipeline link to an oil depot of SPBA Ambès. It has a total storage capacity of 134,000 m³. Over 200 tank trucks load up each day on average at EPG to supply the service stations of three administrative regions (Nouvelle Aquitaine, Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes). Its recent installations allow it to transit close to 1,8 million cubic metres per year.

    EPG places a great deal of importance on safety and on the satisfaction of its clients and reduction of the environmental impact of its activities. The site has been ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified since 2010.

    Each year the company makes significant investments so as to continuously modernise its industrial tool and guarantee safety and constant availability of its installations.

    La Gragnodère - CD 10
    33810 Ambès - France

    Tel.: +33 5 56 77 34 80

    Other members of the USI

    Bolloré Energy
    CIM-CCMP - Compagnie Industrielle Maritime
    DPA - Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès
    DPF - Dépôts Pétroliers de Fos
    DRPC - Dépôt Rouen Petit-Couronne
    EG Group - Eurogarages
    EPPLN - Entrepôt Pétrolier de Port-la-Nouvelle
    GSM - Géosel Manosque
    RM - Raffinerie du Midi
    Rubis Terminal
    SDLP - Société du Dépôt de La Pallice
    SFDM - Société Française Donges-Metz
    SISP - Sica Atlantique
    SNOI-Service National des Oléoducs Interalliés
    SPMR - Société du Pipeline Méditerranée–Rhône
    SPSE - Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen
    STF - Sea Tank France
    Trapil - Société des Transports Pétroliers par Pipeline
    TSSA - Total Storage & Services
    Varo Energy France