of Tank Storage

    SISP - Sica Atlantique

    SISP - Sica Atlantique

    SISP Depots at La Rochelle

    SISP Depots at La Rochelle

    Receipt, storage and loading of bulk liquids

    70 vessels/year for 360,000 tonnes of annual traffic.
    Transit by pipelines towards five depots, including one high threshold Seveso establishment.

    • 70 tanks between 30 to 10,000 m³
    • Total storage capacity of 90,000 m³
    • 2015 Group turnover: €47,914,000
    • 2015 SISP Group turnover: €4,787,000


    • Liquid manure: 220,000 t
    • Flammable lquids: 90,000 t
    • Phosphorous acid: 16,000 t
    • Vegetable oils: 4,000 t
    • Mineral oils: 30,000 t

    Team: a total workforce of 16 people

    Quai Moséré Lombard
    17026 La Rochelle Cedex 01 - France

    Tel.: +33 5 46 43 11 80

    > Consult the SISP page on the Group website

    Other members of the USI

    Bolloré Energy
    CIM-CCMP - Compagnie Industrielle Maritime
    DPA - Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès
    DPF - Dépôts Pétroliers de Fos
    DRPC - Dépôt Rouen Petit-Couronne
    EG Group - Eurogarages
    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde
    EPPLN - Entrepôt Pétrolier de Port-la-Nouvelle
    GSM - Géosel Manosque
    RM - Raffinerie du Midi
    Rubis Terminal
    SDLP - Société du Dépôt de La Pallice
    SFDM - Société Française Donges-Metz
    SNOI-Service National des Oléoducs Interalliés
    SPMR - Société du Pipeline Méditerranée–Rhône
    SPSE - Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen
    STF - Sea Tank France
    Trapil - Société des Transports Pétroliers par Pipeline
    TSSA - Total Storage & Services
    Varo Energy France